Course Catalog: Access

Our open-enrollment courses are delivered remotely in real-time by our experienced staff for a convenient and high-value experience. For those who prefer in-person training, Springhouse offers private onsite deliveries for corporate clients and seat-side learning for individuals. To discuss your training needs, Contact Us online or call 610-321-3500.

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  • Microsoft Access Part 1

    2 days
    Focuses on the design and construction of an Access database —viewing, navigating, searching, and entering data in a database, as well as basic relational database design and creating simple tables, queries, forms, and reports.
    From $413.00
  • Microsoft Access Part 2

    2 days
    In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design; promote quality input from users; improve database efficiency and promote data integrity; and implement advanced features in tables, queries, forms, and reports. Extending your knowledge of Access will result in a robust, functional database for your users. Focuses on optimization of an Access database, including optimizing performance and normalizing data; data validation; usability; and advanced queries, forms, and reports.
    From $413.00
  • Overcoming the Limitations of Microsoft Access

    45 minutes
    Microsoft Access is a great tool for desktop power users, but those relying on Access are struggling to make it fit today's digital demands. At this event, Springhouse will address the limitations of Access and explore alternative ways to manage data using Power Query, SharePoint, Power Apps, Power BI, or Excel.

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