Course Catalog: Digital Forums

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  • Automating Your Future – Come See What is Possible

    45 minutes
    Join us for a free event where we will highlight processes automated by Springhouse that saved time, reduced costs, and improved efficiencies.
  • Developing and Elevating your Intranet with SharePoint

    1 hour
    At this free event, Springhouse will highlight resources typically published on an Intranet and how your Intranet can be taken to the next level in the context of SharePoint.
  • Developing Today’s AI Virtual Assistants

    1 hour
    There is a wide range of AI tools and services just within the Microsoft AI ecosystem.
  • Going Beyond Group Chat in Microsoft Teams

    45 minutes
    At this event, Springhouse will discuss using channels and in-app tools to build teams and anchor projects, committees, and more. We will talk about the reasons why not to use detached group chats in these instances.
  • Modernizing Mail Merge and Data Capture with SharePoint

    45 minutes
    At this event, Springhouse will highlight how to use SharePoint for the distribution of content in bulk and the extraction of AI-driven data – just a small example of this service’s potential as part of your Microsoft 365 toolbox.
  • The Dataverse and Beyond - Unearthing the Right Data Storage Solution

    1 hour
    Learn how the Dataverse compares to Microsoft’s other data storage solutions, specifically SharePoint Lists and SQL Databases.

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